Colleen McVey of CFN Live interviews Annabelle Moseley about her new book, Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece. The interview starts at 14:24
Tabernacle Letters
Tabernacle Letters is an initiative to give the many who miss attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion, a way to send a concrete act of love to Christ, the Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, now alone in Gethsemane. In a sense, it is a way to draw near and “stay awake” with Him. Professor of Theology and author, Annabelle Moseley, offers this initiative spearheaded in her own New York parish, inviting the many who are longing for the Eucharist throughout the nation to join in. She shows how this idea may be initiated in your own parish, or how you are welcomed to send a letter right now to the New York church where it all began, and where each day, love letters from the faithful are gathered from the mail and placed in large baskets before the Tabernacle. As we journey through this desert without receiving Eucharist, let us send our reminders of love to Him. This initiative is a physical reminder of the way our prayers are meant to stay close to Him. Let’s all take the opportunity to express our hunger in a way we won’t soon forget. Join us! Continue reading “Tabernacle Letters”
Honoring Saint Joseph
For Catholics, March is the month devoted to St. Joseph, patron saint of workers, families, homes, and a happy death. It is interesting to think of it this way: February is devoted to the Holy Family, followed by March devoted to St. Joseph, who is head of that family. In the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, “Some saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy in certain needs, but not in others; but our holy patron St. Joseph has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking.”
Here’s 12 ways you can honor Saint Joseph in the month of March, and all year ’round.
Honoring the Holy Family
For Catholics, February is the month devoted to The Holy Family, and it is an ideal time to strengthen our own family and its connection to Jesus’s family. Here are 12 ways you can align your family to the Holy Family.
Honoring the Holy Name of Jesus
Did you know that in the Catholic Church, each month of the year has a devotional theme? January is the month of the Holy Name of Jesus, and it’s an ideal time to strengthen our connection to the beautiful name of our Lord.
Honoring the Immaculate Conception
In the Catholic Church, each of the 12 months of the year has a devotional theme. December is the month of the Immaculate Conception, and it’s an ideal time to strengthen our connection to Our Lady.
Sacred Braille
Thursday, November 21, 2019: My latest book, Sacred Braille has been published today, in honor of the Feast of the Presentation of Mary.
Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece through Art, Poetry, and Reflection
Continue reading “Sacred Braille”
Honoring Our Lady of the Rosary in October … and all year round
October is the month of the Holy Rosary. Here are 10 ways you can more closely align your life and home to the Rosary. Perhaps some of these wonderful devotions will stick around your domestic church even after October is over!
Ways to honor Our Lady of Sorrows this September
For Catholics, September is the month of Our Lady of Sorrows, immediately following August’s devotion to the Immaculate Heart, and preceding October’s devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary, September is an ideal time to strengthen our connection to Our Lady.
Continuing our monthly series on ways to showcase each month’s Catholic theme in your life, here are 10 ways you can honor Our Lady of Sorrows this September, published in Aleteia.
Celebrating the Immaculate Heart of Mary in August
August is the beautiful month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Continuing our series on ways to showcase each month’s Catholic theme in your life, here are 10 ways you can more closely align your life to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, published in Aleteia.
Latest News
Annabelle Moseley in Documentary Film
“Masterpieces” explores the vocation of artisanship, specifically through the world of five artists as they share with the audience how they are called to serve God through their art. This compilation of portraits will give the viewer a first hand experience of each artist’s journey towards their vocation
Moseley Radio Show

Prof. Annabelle Moseley shares how to live sacramentally, attuning our senses to God’s beauty, transforming our joys and pains to great purpose… even in a secular and divided world.
Catch the live stream, or peruse the podcast archive to catch up on already-aired episodes!
What the month of July means to Catholics and how to honor it in your home
10 Ways to honor the Precious Blood with your family in July.
July is the month we honor the Precious Blood of Jesus. Falling right between June’s devotion to the Sacred Heart and August’s devotion to the Immaculate Heart, July is an ideal time to connect our devotion to Jesus and Mary into deeper gratitude for the bond they share as well as to heighten our connection to the blood of the Lamb of God. Continuing our monthly series on ways to showcase each month’s Catholic theme in your life, here are 10 ways you can more closely align your life to the Precious Blood…
Read the full text of my article: “What the month of July means to Catholics and how to honor it in your home” published in Aleteia.